Full Name
Daniel Lessard
Director of engineering, Quebec City
Speaker Bio
Daniel Lessard is currently Director of Engineering Department for Quebec City, a position he has held since December 2006. He is responsible for infrastructure management operations for road, water distribution and sewer systems for Quebec City. Prior to that, he oversaw drinking water supply and wastewater treatment operations for the city between 1998 and 2006.
An engineer by training, Daniel Lessard also holds master’s degrees in project management and public administration. He is a former board member of Réseau Environnement (2002 to 2006) and the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (2000 to 2010), and a current member of the board of the Centre for Expertise and Research on Infrastructure (since 2007). Finally, over the past few years, Daniel has served as a Canadian expert for the Standards Council of Canada on several technical committees focused on the development of new ISO standards for water, sanitation and asset management