Ascend 2020
Ascend will give Alberta’s hotel industry leaders and investors the data and information they require to inform their business strategy, forecasts, and budgets. This year’s event will feature top advisors to provide you with unique insight into:
- Tackling the economic challenges of COVID-19 and the downturn in the oil & gas industry
- The current state of the Alberta tourism industry
- Options for repurposing your hotel into affordable housing
- What the AHLA is doing to help you in these challenging times
Give your hotel a leg up as Alberta emerges from the pandemic and continues to manage the effects of the economic downturn.
Featured Sessions:
Alberta Boom Days Will Come Again. Ascend’s keynote speaker, veteran investment advisor Josef Schachter, believes the Alberta energy market will start to recover as early as 2021, and the price of oil will be back to $100USD/barrel by 2024. Josef has been acknowledged as the first analyst in Canada to predict the oil price plunges of 2014 and 2020, so you don’t want to miss his take on the current economic situation in Alberta!
Should I Consider Converting My Property? Some hotels are considering repurposing their property into affordable housing, such as seniors’ or low-income housing. This power panel of top financial real estate advisors will share strategies and opportunities, and guide you through starting the process of conversion.
Virtual Conference
Attend Ascend from the comfort of your home or office, or gather some people to participate together (safely and two metres apart of course).
Registration Fees:
- AHLA Members: $99.00
- AHLA Associate Members: $149.00
- Non-Members: $149.00