10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
B1- The Trouble With Windows

In this presentation, we'll take you through the issues that arise when windows and doors fall outside of corporation responsibility. With many buildings aging and requiring replacement of components like windows, these situations are becoming more commonplace. We'll explore By-Laws and risk mitigation, with a particular focus on specific wording and the resulting implications. We’ll discuss the limited value of warranties (both contractor and manufacturer), and how that impacts the corporation and long-term
planning. We'll share case studies with strategy, the results of past poorly managed/installed window installations, and outcomes. We'll show why there's less of a singular answer and explain that there's often a right direction.

Learning Objectives:
1) Differences between Owner and Corporation responsibility for windows
2) What Corporation should do if Owners are responsible
3) Potential challenges and issues related to both the windows and funding

Location Name
Macleod E1