12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Keynote Speaker: Pam August - Simple Moves for Complex Times: Moving Challenge with Ease-fullness

Volatile. Uncertain. Complex. Ambigious. V.U.C.A. is an acronym that explains why “human-ing” in work or in life, particularly over the past number of months, has been and will continue to be challenging. Words like stressed, strained, and stuck are commonly used to describe the states we too often find ourselves in when what we desire is something more like energy, ease, and effectiveness. What if we could meet complexity and move through the challenges we face with greater “ease-fullness?”  We can, and the solution is simpler than we think.


Informed by both modern neuroscience research and ancient wisdom traditions, this experiential session offers a “whole-sum” approach to activating our whole selves (and others around us) for greater performance and impact.


During this insightful and energizing keynote, discover:


  • Why the body always wins and what to do about it.
  • Neuroscience in action — important insights are both experienced and explained.
  • A simple yet profound three-part practice that can be done anytime you need to shift your state and/or the states of others.  
Location Name
Macleod Hall A